TEN steps FWD — E2— Horizon IT: Postmasters Strike Back

5 min readMay 17, 2024


Welcome to TEN Steps FWD, a series exploring the evolving landscape of Decentralized Confidential Compute (DeCC) through the lens of TEN and web3 development. This series will showcase a variety of fascinating use cases and real-world applications, pulling back the curtain on some of the most innovative decentralized applications (DaPPs) in the realm of web3, AI, and DeCC.

Read Part 1: Cognitive Anti-Viruses (CAV)

The Post Office — Are Still Hoping You All Forget

In the annals of modern British scandal, few stories are as gut-wrenching as the plight of the sub-postmasters, wrongfully accused and convicted of fraud due to the faulty Horizon IT system. These underdogs faced financial ruin and emotional devastation, all because of an untrustworthy centralized system. But what if blockchain technology could rewrite this tragic tale? What if sub-postmasters could harness the power of Decentralized Confidential Compute (DeCC) to not only clear their names but also build a more just and efficient future? This is not just a dream — it’s a roadmap for revolution.

The Scandal: A Tale of Injustice

Imagine being a sub-postmaster, entrusted with the community’s mail and finances, only to be accused of embezzlement because of errors in the Horizon IT system. The consequences were dire: wrongful prosecutions, destroyed livelihoods, and lives turned upside down. The Post Office’s mishandling of the situation, characterized by a lack of transparency and accountability, only added insult to injury. This scandal wasn’t just a series of unfortunate events; it was a catastrophic failure of a centralized system. One which they have continued to double down on.

Sub-postmasters were ruined

Enter Encrypted Blockchain: A Beacon of Hope

Blockchain technology, particularly a permissionless Layer 2 solution enhanced by SGX/TEE encryption (such as TEN.xyz or a DeCC compliant chain), offers a lifeline. Imagine an immutable ledger where every transaction is transparent and tamper-proof, restoring trust and ensuring justice. SGX/TEE encryption ensures that sensitive data is processed securely, shielding it from unauthorized access and tampering. This isn’t just technology — it’s a beacon of hope for sub-postmasters seeking vindication and a better future.

Empowering the Underdogs: TEN Strategic Implications

  1. Transparency and Trust: Blockchain’s immutable ledger can restore trust among sub-postmasters and the public. Unlike the opaque practices of the Post Office, this technology ensures every transaction is visible and verifiable. Trust isn’t just rebuilt — it’s fortified.
  2. Accuracy and Accountability: Real-time verification and auditability can prevent future errors and fraud. The Post Office’s historical failures in these areas highlight the need for such robust systems. With blockchain, every action is recorded and accountable.
  3. Decentralization and Autonomy: A decentralized system gives sub-postmasters more control and reduces dependence on flawed central systems. The centralized control that led to the scandal is critiqued and countered with a distributed network that empowers the individual.
  4. Security and Confidentiality: SGX/TEE encryption protects sensitive data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity. The Post Office’s lack of robust security measures contributed to the scandal; blockchain offers a solution that prevents tampering and unauthorized access.
  5. Cost Efficiency and Operational Improvement: Blockchain reduces the need for expensive legal processes and manual reconciliations. Compare this with the Post Office’s costly legal battles and operational inefficiencies, and the benefits are clear.
  6. Streamlined Operations: Automating transactions and reporting reduces administrative burdens. The Post Office’s labor-intensive and error-prone processes are relics of the past. Blockchain streamlines and secures operations.
  7. Rebuilding Trust and Morale: Blockchain can rebuild trust between sub-postmasters and central management, improving morale and confidence. The Post Office’s failure to maintain trust results in low morale; blockchain promises a fresh start.
  8. Financial: Accurate transaction records prevent financial discrepancies and losses. The financial mismanagement and losses caused by the Horizon system are mitigated with blockchain’s precision.
  9. Restoring Reputation: Blockchain adoption demonstrates a commitment to modern, secure, and fair practices. This can restore the Post Office’s damaged reputation, showing the world that they are serious about change.
  10. Collective Action: Sub-postmasters must unite and advocate for blockchain adoption. A grassroots movement can drive change, leveraging the collective power of those wronged by the old system.
Time to change the post-office

David and DEGENs vs Goliath: A BFS (big f’in sling-shot)

The Rational Maneuver is to Strong-Arm the Post Office and demand for implementation. Sub-postmasters might collectively call on the Post Office to implement a blockchain-based system, emphasizing the benefits of transparency, security, and cost efficiency.


A Leverage for Negotiation:
By threatening to expose further inefficiencies and errors in the current system, sub-postmasters can increase public pressure on the Post Office. The risk of continuing with a flawed system in the presence of such on-going public support across highly social-literate crypto communities, could force compliance.

a. Post Office Complies: To avoid a reckoning on accountability and public backlash, the Post Office may agree to implement the blockchain solution. This would mark a significant victory for sub-postmasters, ensuring a fairer and more transparent system.

b. Resistance and Independence: If the Post Office refuses to negotiate, sub-postmasters can leverage trustless contracts and blockchain technology to create their own postal distribution network. This decentralized network could operate independently, reducing or eliminating the need for the Post Office’s central control.


TEN technology offers a potential pathway to justice and efficiency for sub-postmasters. By embracing this transformative technology, sub-postmasters can turn the tide in their favor, ensuring transparency, security, and accountability. It’s time to harness the power of DeCC blockchain and lead the charge towards a more transparent, secure, and just future.

The sub-postmasters’ story isn’t over — it’s just beginning. Join the revolution and be part of the change.

Continue to Part 3: Multi-Modal NFTs

Alch3mist, (aka Anthony Nixon) is a web3 engineer with a passion for cognitive science, AI, and information theory. Currently contributing to TEN.




Thoughts... Blockchain Engineer x Web3, AI, Data, DeFi, Cognition. Publishing/Coding as @alch3mist. AKA [Anthony Nixon]