Time Travel Unlocked — Multi-modal NFTs (mNFT), Exploring the Past Through Sensory Overload and Salient Events

8 min readMay 28, 2024


In this article, I’ll delve into the fascinating concept of subjective time travel, enabled by the revolutionary potential of multi-modal NFTs (mNFTs) and the TEN network. These advanced digital tokens, initially meant for capturing instantaneous moments of subjective experience, also allow us to create immersive experiences that inject past events into the present consciousness of the observer.

As a quick recap, mNFTs are similar to traditional NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in that they have a unique individual evolution which is not meant to merge or split. However, they can additionally reference semantic data via indexes to model embeddings. These models are stored and operated within trusted execution environments (TEEs). See below for more details.

Read about mNFTs here


Communicative Agents

If you remember the original description in the previous blog, you’d realize that much of mNFT utility is described in augmenting or framing modalities consensually between two parties. The general mechanism can understand how much amplitude and nuance in a contextual space to apply in order to evoke similar understandings or feelings between individuals. For example, you can use many different phrases to describe something, but imagine if you could always choose the exact words that your listener would have chosen had they been thinking the exact same thoughts as you. This is that convergence (except across any encoding/modality).

To understand how time travel works, we just need to understand a pattern/abstraction which is present in our regular communication.

Ambiguity stems from the fact that two communicators have some variance or difference in how they understand or model the world.

Notice how the above makes no restriction to say “between you and another human.” Therefore, the same can be said about any two entities/agents in communication, whether that be two systems, you and a system, or you and yourself!

You are not the same person that you were. You right now, at time (t) have drifted or evolved from the you at time (t-x); where x is some chosen amount of elapsed time.

We take the above fact for granted because we always seem the same in reference to ourselves, but every moment we’re making new connections and losing old ones in our minds. So it is absolutely true that an individual delineated by some amount of time can leverage any mechanism which enhances the understanding or communication between what was captured or encoded at an earlier time, and how you would understand it in the present sense.

The Observer Model and Cognitive Triggers

To embark on a journey of subjective time travel, we need a sophisticated model of the observer. This model captures an individual’s cognitive and emotional tendencies, allowing us to tailor the experience to align with their unique mental patterns. Cognitive triggers are specific stimuli that evoke particular thoughts, memories, or emotions, essential for creating realistic experiences.

Perspectives at time-intervals

Time-Delineated mNFTs and Historical Retrieval

mNFTs encapsulate instantaneous semantic data in regards to some event or trigger. The blockchain features ensure that historical records and their evolutions up to the current moment are also linked. This detailed back-chain tracking creates a rich tapestry of events that can be projected forward or aggregated with other subjective experiences towards the same event by other parties. Imagine having a complete record of an event, from its inception to the present day, with every nuance and change documented and accessible.

Various mNFT expriences relative to past NFT/mNFT observation

The above is an example of how various interpretations / queries can be derived from both a base perception (Mona Lisa), and other prior subjective experiences of that same base (other source mNFTs).

  • The straight edges indicate a primary perception,
  • Dotted edges are a weighted inference which augment, add richness, or additional context to an observation.
  • Notice how how turquoise and blue have never even witness the original experience, but rather live it through the perception of others.
  • mNFT(t+1) red, is a projection to what this person is likely to experience in the future (a prediction rooted in aggregate of additional sources).

Finally, of great interest is mNFT(t) green, which shows a gap. This is akin to re-reading a diary at a future time, how was it that you felt or experiences it at either (1) or (t-2)? This is where a translation across models takes place as a communication event between two discrete models over time (even if physically the same being).

Multi-frame Reference for Enriched Moments

mNFTs exist across multiple frames of reference, each contributing to a singular, enriched moment in time. These references combine experiences and models from various perspectives, enhancing the potential for an immersive experience that feels genuinely like time travel.

The Mechanics of Subjective Time Travel

To achieve the sensation of reliving a past moment, we follow a structured approach:

  1. Back-chain Model Creation: Develop a transition model from the present time (t) to the target past time (t-x). This involves simulating the cognitive state of the observer at (t-x) and understanding their perception of information and events.
  2. Perception Gathering and Transformation: Collect all relevant mNFTs and perceptions from the target time (t-x) as well as any intemediary aggregate timestamps, (t-i). Transform these perceptions using the observer’s cognitive model to generate a coherent narrative that resonates with the observer.
  3. Sensory Overload and Experience Padding: Subject the observer to a sensory experience that matches the granularity and salience of a real-time moment. Extrapolate and generate additional context if necessary to ensure a seamless and immersive experience.

Cognitive Basis for Time Perception Adjustment

Our perception of time is deeply rooted in cognitive processes involving various brain regions and mechanisms. By leveraging these processes, we can justify how mNFT-enabled subjective time travel can alter our perception of time and the present.

Observer Model and Cognitive Consistency

The observer model replicates the cognitive state of the observer at a specific past moment. This involves understanding the individual’s emotional and perceptual triggers, ensuring that the recreated experience aligns with their historical cognitive state. This ensures that the transition between present and past feels natural and seamless, mirroring how the brain processes consistent self-representations over time.

Multi-modal Integration and Temporal Binding

Our brains naturally bind sensory information across different modalities (sight, sound, touch) to create a coherent experience of events. By using mNFTs to provide multi-modal data from a specific past moment, we can recreate this binding process. This ensures that the past event is experienced with the same richness and coherence as a present event, effectively tricking the brain into perceiving it as occurring in real-time.

Time snapshot

Contextual Relevance and Memory Reconstruction

Memory reconstruction involves recalling past events with varying degrees of detail and emotional intensity. By injecting mNFTs that are contextually relevant and rich in sensory detail into the observer’s current consciousness, we can enhance the vividness and accuracy of these memories. This method aligns with how the brain reconstructs memories, making the past experience feel immediate and real.

Attention and Cognitive Load Management

The observer’s attention and cognitive load play crucial roles in time perception. By crafting sensory experiences that match the observer’s historical cognitive load, we ensure that the recreated moment feels natural. High cognitive load periods can be enriched with more detailed and engaging mNFTs, while calmer periods can be presented with fewer stimuli, maintaining a balance that mirrors real-time perception.

Cognitive load is a critical intervention point for multi-modal experiences. As new brain-computer interfaces or AR/VR hardware become available, as well as faster generative technology, model capture and inference will be enhanced, as well as the detail and granularity of the senses able to be presented. Think of dreaming or flow states and how they feel so real; a major factor in time perception is the ratio of immersive-artificial signals to grounding-real signals. Having a consistent and powerful sensory experience which can saturate your processing enables a closely real experience.

Practical Example: Reliving a Historical Concert

Imagine wanting to relive a concert from a decade ago. The mNFT ecosystem would:

  1. Model the Observer: Understand your emotional and cognitive state during the concert and now.
  2. Retrieve Historical mNFTs: Gather mNFTs from the concert, including audio, visual, and emotional data. Also query mNFTs that might be a few dimensions detached (those who referenced a source mNFT with their perspective of being a fan or aligned to the subject — like a secondary source in reporting).
  3. Generate the Experience: Transform/Transpile these data points using your current cognitive model, presenting them in a way that makes you feel as though you are back at the concert.
  4. Enhance Sensory Overload: Add contextual and extrapolated data to ensure the experience is rich and immersive, matching the intensity of a real-time event.

The Future of Time Travel with mNFTs

By leveraging the power of mNFTs, blockchain technology, and advanced cognitive models, we can create experiences that allow us to relive the past in an immersive and meaningful way. This subjective time travel opens new doors for personal memory exploration, historical education, and even therapeutic applications. Imagine stepping back into a cherished moment, not just as a passive observer but with the full sensory richness and emotional depth as if it were happening right now. With mNFTs, the past is no longer just a memory; it becomes an experience we can relive and cherish.

A world of Time(s)


The integration of multi-modal NFTs with sophisticated observer models and sensory overload techniques offers a groundbreaking approach to experiencing the past. By aligning these methods with our understanding of cognitive time perception, we can convincingly argue that the impact of private agents with web3 integration and decentralized confidential compute will drastically change the way we interact with time and space. As we continue to innovate in the realms of AI, blockchain, and cognitive science, the dream of time travel becomes ever more attainable!

Alch3mist, (aka Anthony Nixon) is a web3 engineer with a passion for cognitive science, AI, and information theory. Currently contributing to TEN.




Thoughts... Blockchain Engineer x Web3, AI, Data, DeFi, Cognition. Publishing/Coding as @alch3mist. AKA [Anthony Nixon]